
FEBRUARY MONTHLY SPECIAL!! Does your pet have bad breath? Smile! This month you…


Does your pet have bad breath? Smile! This month you'll SAVE $30 ON A PROFESSIONAL DENTAL CLEANING SCHEDULED BEFORE MARCH 15th!

ALSO, during the entire month of February, all dental preventative products such as toothpaste, chews, and water additive will be BUY ONE, GET ONE 50% OFF! Ask for samples if you're not sure which product may be right for your pet.

If your pet forgets to brush sometimes, plaque accumulates and tartar forms on the teeth. Bacteria travel in the bloodstream, causing not only a painful mouth, but other problems such as heart, kidney, and liver disease. It's never too early or too late to begin a routine dental care at home. If your pet already has tartar build-up, then the first step is to call the office to set up a dental examination. If a cleaning is necessary, anesthesia is required for proper charting and evaluation of periodontal disease. X-rays help us evaluate tooth roots under the gum line. Rotting or damaged teeth may need to be extracted. We use the same ultrasonic scaler and polisher that human dentists use! After the cleaning, the teeth will be free of tartar build-up, and you can begin routine care at home.

Call 216-749-7161
for questions and/or scheduling.