
Get Your Pet Neutered This Father’s Day

While the idea of a new litter of puppies or kittens may be quite tempting, neutering your four-legged friend provides a number of benefits. Here are the top 3 reasons to neuter your male pet this Father’s Day.

1) Neutering increases his chances of a longer, happier life:

According to a study done via USA Today, the states of Montana and Colorado have the highest longevity of animal companions than other states while pets in Louisiana and Mississippi have statistically shorter lifespans. The study also shows that Montana and Colorado have the highest percentages of spayed and neutered pets while Mississippi and Louisiana have a higher percentage of intact animals.

One of the major factors contributing to these longer lifespans is that neutering allows for elimination or dramatic reduction of certain diseases. Once your pet is neutered, the risk of testicular cancer drops to 0% and the chances of prostate related cancers/diseases also decreases.  This also helps you save money as the cost of neutering is less than that of cancer or other disease treatments.

The study done by USA Today also states that neutered dogs typically live 18% longer than intact dogs while neutered cats averaged a 23% increase in lifespan compared to intact cats. Those extra years of healthy living can mean all the world for you and your pet.

2) Neutering may help with behavioral issues associated with the presence of testosterone:

While neutering is not going to magically have your dog jumping through hoops your turn your cat into a piano-playing Youtube sensation, neutering can reduce unwanted behaviors from our male pets!

Both intact dogs and cats will mark their territory by spraying urine. This can cause problems in your home and be annoying on walks. Intact male cat urine is particularly strong in odor and can be difficult to remove from carpeting or furniture. According to the Humane Society, neutering completely solved about 90% of spraying issues.

Intact pets may also have aggression issues-especially with other males. Neutering decreases the chances of them fighting with other animals, decreasing the chances of spreading diseases to one another or sustaining other injury. Neutering also results in a decrease of mounting, excessive barking (or howling in cats), and dominance-related behaviors.

Finally, the same study provided by USA Today also states that unneutered dogs are at least twice as likely to be hit by a car or bitten by another animal than their altered companions. Cats, on the other hand, are over four times mroe likely to be hit by a car and three times as likely to be bitten by another animal compared to neutered cats.
The differences in these numbers is due to the fact that intact males are likely to escape the yard or run away in order to seek a mate. This behavior is called “roaming” and is another contributing factor as to why neutered pets live longer than intact one. Roaming puts pets in danger not only of getting physically injured, but of getting lost and never being returned home.

3) Neutering helps the community by lowering the numbers of unwanted, homeless pets:

Pet overpopulation is a concerning problem in the United States.  Animal shelters across the country are overfilled without the space, money, or manpower to accommodate the number of animals coming in each year.  As a result, 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized annually.  This averages out to about 1 euthanasia every 13 seconds.  Neutering your pet will prevent any unwanted pregnancies (regardless of whether or not you know that Fido got out and did the deed with the labradoodle down the street) and prevents unwanted puppies and kittens from entering shelters.  And, as we stated earlier, as cute as the new litter may be, the cost to care for and vaccinate them is several times the cost of neutering your pet.

While it may prevent your pet from ever being a father, neutering is one giant step you can take to improve his quality of life!  Emerald Animal Hospital offers both spaying and neutering services, complete with high grade surgical equipment and pre-surgical bloodwork.   Call us with any questions or to schedule your initial examination at 216-749-7161 and we will develop an individual plan for your pet.

How has neutering improved the life of your pet?  Let us know in the comments below!