
Prep Your New Pet For The Vet

If you’ve recently brought home a new four-legged addition to the family, or are considering adding one, be sure to do all the preparation needed prior to their first appointment.  Check out these tips and tricks to help make the first visit go swimmingly, which in turn will teach your pet that their vet is a great place to be!

Prior to your appointment:

  • When calling to schedule your appointment, make it clear that you’ve just adopted a new pet.  If your new puppy or kitten is showing any signs of what could be abnormal behavior, let the receptionist setting up your appointment know.  Symptoms like eye discharge, nasal discharge, and lethargy are often overlooked but should be mentioned when scheduling your pet’s appointment.
  • Have all of your pet’s medical records neatly organized in a folder. If you’ve adopted a pet from a shelter, the should automatically provide these to you. If you’ve adopted from a breeder, be sure to ask prior to adoption what procedures have been done to your new pet and for proper documentation.
  • Collect any samples requested from your veterinarian.  Depending on your individual pet, this may be a fecal or urine sample.  The receptionist scheduling your appointment can give you tips on collecting a sample if needed.
  • Get your new puppy or kitten used to being handled.  Playing with paws, picking them up and holding them, and starting basic command training as early as possible will all make trips to the vet easier in the future.
  • For cats, leave the carrier out for them to access 24/7.  Make the carrier a safe space for them to hang out in by adding a favorite toy and blanket.  By making the carrier a desirable spot for your cat to be, your cat won’t stress out and run away every time you need to get him or her in the carrier for a trip to the vet.
  • Bring some of their favorite treats to the appointment. While the vet should have some extra tasty treats to use to make the appointment a positive experience for your pet, it doesn’t hurt to have extras.
  • Act normal.  If you are stressed out about the appointment ahead of time or anxiously sitting in the hospital waiting room, your pet will sense it too and get anxious.




How did your pet’s first vet appointment go?  Have any tips that we missed?  Let us know in the comments below!