
Tips for Doggy Beach Trips

Taking your pup to the beach can be a a fun time to cherish the rest of the year.  Be sure to make the trip fun for everyone by using these tips to keep your pup safe and in check.


  • Pack a blanket for them to lie on (sand gets hot!).
  • Bring a water bowl and PLENTY of fresh water.  Offer refills often.
  • Sit in the shade.  You can take cover under a tree or make your own shade by bringing an umbrella.
  • Provide a life jacket to dogs who are new to swimming, have short legs, or are flat-faced.
  • Scope out the beach for trash (especially broken glass) that may hurt your dog’s feet.
  • Watch for signs of overheating like:
    • Excessive/rapid panting and drooling
    • Coordination problems
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea
    • Collapse
    • Also remember that flat faced dogs, elderly dogs, or dogs with other health issues may be prone to overheat.
  • Wash down your pup after your beach trip to remove sand, germs, and any other debris.
  • Bring towels to line your car in so your pup doesn’t get your car soaking wet.
  • Make sure your dog is up to date on flea and heartworm treatments
    • If you use a topical product, wait about 1 week before swimming.
  • Make sure your dog is up to date on ALL vaccinations.


  • Follow the rules of the beach you’re attending.
  • Leave your dog unattended.
  • Take your dog without a strong “recall” command off leash.
  • Bring aggressive dogs to the beach.
    • This includes dogs that are only dog reactive, resource guarding, or bad with children. If your pup has any single one of these traits, the beach is not the right place for him.
  • Bring an intact dog.  This applies to males and females.
  • Bring a puppy under 4 months old.
  • Apply human sunscreen to your dog.
  • Don’t let your pet drink the beach water.
    • If you see your dog drinking the swimming water, remove her from the water completely and offer her fresh water.


We hope everyone has a fun summer and is able to enjoy the beach this year!  Here at Emerald Animal Hospital, pet health is our top priority! We are able to prevent, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of illnesses in both cats and dogs.  Our doctors are here to help devise a specific health plan for you and your pet.  If you have any questions about your pet’s health this summer, give us a call at 216-749-7161 and we will do our best to help!