
Author: AVMA

Running with your dog

Walking is a great form of light exercise for you and your dog, but what if you want to quicken the pace a bit and take your dog for a jog? In this podcast, Dr. Ernie Ward, founder and chief-of-staff of Seaside Animal Care in Calabash, N.C., and a feat…


Selecting a Pet: Hamsters

Dogs and cats may be the most popular pets in the United States, but exotic pets are gaining in popularity and can make great additions to our homes. One such pet is the hamster. But is a hamster right for you and your family? In this podcast, Dr. Adol…



While our cats are often models of grace and composure, some of them can achieve altered states of drooling relaxation or fits of frantic energy just by getting a whiff of a little bit of catnip. But what exactly is catnip, why does it have such a stro…


Thanksgiving and Pet Safety

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season with food, friends, family, and more food. Usually the only thing we worry about on Thanksgiving is the strain it might put on our waistlines. But for our pets, Thanksgiving can pose a series risk of illness or injury, and a possible trip to the E.R., if we’re not careful. In this podcast, Dr. Tina Wismer, medical director at ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, talks about some of the health hazards Thanksgiving can pose to our pets.


Deafness in Pets

There are a number of reasons why our pets might experience hearing loss. But whether it’s the result of age, a congenital condition or trauma, there is no reason that a deaf pet can’t live as happy and healthy a life as a pet with normal hearing. In this podcast, Dr. George Strain, professor of neuroscience at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and author of the book “Deafness in Dogs and Cats,” talks about hearing loss in pets.


National Veterinary Technician Week 2012

Our pets receive excellent medical care, not only from veterinarians but also from the entire veterinary medical team. A key component of this team is the veterinary technician. To celebrate and promote the role of veterinary technicians, the National …