
Emerald News

Easter Brings Chocolate Dangers to Pets

Many pets join us for holiday festivities, but Easter chocolates are frequent the time of year.  Here’s some information on why chocolate is so bad for our four-legged friends.

Theobromine and Caffeine are two compounds found in chocolate and are toxic to dogs.  Typically, darker and …


4 Easter Hazards for Pets

Since pets are a part of the family, it is natural for us to want to include them in the holiday festivities; however, keeping them safe should be a top priority when the bustling of Easter comes around.

1) Chocolate:  Most pet owners know that …


Meet Norman the Pig!

Our veterinarian technician, Erica, has added a wonderful and “exotic” member to her family!  Check out Norman, the spotted pig!

Norman is just a baby pig for now, but is expected to grow to be about 25lbs!


He loves his bed!  Can …