
Outside News

Storm Phobias in Pets

This week marks the beginning of spring. While the warmer weather will allow pet owners across the country to venture outside more with their four-legged friends, it will also bring thunderstorms, which can be frightening for our pets. Dr. Terry Curtis…


Salmonella and Pets

Earlier this year, peanuts from a Georgia processing plant were identified as the source of Salmonella-related illnesses across the country. While the initial focus was on human illness and food products, pet food quickly became an area of concern as well. But just because the source has been identified and products pulled from the shelves doesn’t mean pet owners should forget about the dangers of Salmonella infections in their pets or themselves, says Dr. Kim May, assistant director of professional and public affairs at the AVMA.


Selecting a Horse

Horses have always been popular working animals in the United States, although the combustion engine and other modern forms of “horse power” have in many instances replaced them in our streets and fields. But today, horses are more popular than ever be…