

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween is here again, and with it comes a unique set of thrills and chills for pets and their owners. Dr. Kim May, assistant director of professional and public affairs at the American Veterinary Medical Association, discusses ways to ensure your pet’s health and safety during this holiday season. READ MORE»

Canine Fear Aggression

Dogs often act aggressively towards people that are unfamiliar to them. Many times this behavior is incorrectly attributed to dominance rather than fear because they elicit the same response – barking, growling and biting. It is important for owners to recognize the difference so they are best able to manage aggression within their pet. Dr. Barbara Sherman, professor of veterinary behavior at the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine, talks about how to recognize and address canine fear aggression. READ MORE»

National Veterinary Technicians Week

Our pets receive excellent medical care in the United States, not only from veterinarians but from the entire veterinary medical team. An integral component of this team is the veterinary technician. To celebrate and promote the role of veterinary tech... READ MORE»

What to Do if Your Pet Is Poisoned

If you’ve been listening to these podcasts, you know that we’ve talked about household hazards that could potentially poison your pet. We’re sure you do your best to keep them where your pets can’t get into them, but do you know what you’d do if your pet still managed to be exposed to something poisonous? How you react could save your pet’s life. Dr. Steven Hansen, senior vice president at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, talks about what to do if your pet is poisoned. READ MORE»