
cat health

Penny-Pinching Pets

We know that pet care can be expensive, but these pets are ready to put some money in the bank! Check out how they’re using their savings!


1) This adorable cat knows how small change can add up and is hoping to bring good …


How To Keep Pets Busy At Home

Even the calmest pets can get bored when left at home for the day.  Being bored and alone can also result in your cat or dog participating in some destructive behaviors.  Here are some tips on how to keep them busy even when you’re away!


If Pets Could Text…

We’d all love to know what’s on our pets’ minds.  These hilarious memes have appeared, showing us what it would be like if our pets could text us!

1) Well.  At least now you know.


2) I mean, 10 minutes is over an hour …