
cat veterinarian

What Is Pet Insurance?

While us humans understand the importance of various insurances (life, auto, home, health, etc.), many of us overlook insurance for our pets. Since we all treat our pets as members of the family, doesn’t it make sense to get them some health insurance too? Many …


3 Pets Who Love Insurance

With September being National Pet Insurance Month, these pets are happy to remind us how much they love their insurance plans!



1) Pet insurance will give your pets the peace of mind that they’ll never have to star in a pet store commercial …


Featured Pet Of The Week: Carly!

Meet Carly! Carly is a 14 yr old Miniature Schnauzer. We chose to feature Carly today as she has worked very hard to overcome illness in the last year. She was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, a very aggressive type of malignant cancer that comes from …


So, What Is A Hairball Anyway?

As cute as all felines are, it’s not particularly adorable to see them wretch up a hairball on your carpet. So, why do cats get hairballs anyway?

As your cat (of any breed) grooms himself, sometimes he’ll swallow loose hairs during the process. Cats’ digestive …


Does Your Cat Need Grooming?

As many cat loves know, cats are pretty independent animals. While most cats are fully capable of grooming themselves, here are some situations that might make it difficult for your kitty to keep herself clean.

A messy cat: If your cat tripped into some paint, …