
pet behavior

Pet Shaming Galore!

Now that we’re more aware of the lives our pets lead while we’re not home, we’re watching more closely! Check out these pets who got caught red-handed and their owners have shared some of the funniest pet-shaming photos for your (and our) entertainment.

First up, …


5 Pets Who Love Summer Flowers

We checked our calendars-it’s officially summer! These pets are celebrating with the outdoors and beautiful flowers!

1) Nothing is more pleasing to the most sensitive noses than flowers.

2) Flowers can also be used as camouflage for such tiny kittens.


5 Summer Dangers for Your Pet

Summer fun is all around us, but there’s some dangerous aspects to it as well-especially for our pets! These are 5 conditions that are often overlooked by pet owners so we’re calling them out into the spotlight!

1) Burned Paw Pads: Both cats’ and dogs’ …